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Editors'noteMeat production is projected to nearly double by 2050 to meet growing global demand.But the way theworld currently produces meat cannot meet this demand and still achieve global climate,food security,public health,and biodiversity goals.Making meat differently via alternative proteins can help feed agrowing world safely and efficiently,and will be as essential to mitigating climate change as the globaltransition to renewable energy.When compared to conventional meat production,alternative proteinproduction dramatically reduces emissions,requires far less land,eliminates the use of antibiotics in ourfood system,and feeds more people with fewer resources.By reimagining protein,we can produce food that people love and usher in a more sustainable,secure,and just food future.Countries have committed to halve emissions and protect 30 percent of global landand ocean ecosystems by 2030.With just seven years to go,investing in alternative ways of makingmeat,seafood,eggs,and dairy is essential.GFI's annual State of the Industry Reports equip food system stakeholders with a solid,in-depthunderstanding of the alternative protein market's challenges and opportunities.These reports also serveas a global call to action:Alternative proteins are a scalable solution that,with proper levels of public andprivate support,can help address the biggest challenges of our time andtransform our global food system for the better.One powerful tool to tackle such challenges is cultivated meat.Meat grown directly from animal cellswill offer consumers a way to consume genuine animal meat without adverse impacts on theenvironment,global health,and food security.Cultivated meat has the sensory and nutritional valuesmeat consumers crave without the downsides of the conventional animal agriculture system.Cultivatedmeat and fat can also be used to enhance the sensory experience of plant-based products-anapplication we're particularly excited about.This report details developments that moved cultivated meat and seafood forward in 2022.The sectorstill has miles to go,however,to reach its full potential.Funding and workforce constraints pose two ofthe biggest bottlenecks for scientific innovation and scaling.As companies continue to innovate,and asmore talent,research funding,and investments flow into alternative proteins,the entire sector willaccelerate,offering the world a fundamentally different and far more sustainable food future.With gratitude and deep respect to all those on this journey,we invite you to dig deep into our 2022State of the Industry Report,Cultivated meat and seafood.Best,Caroline BushnellLiz Specht,PhDJessica AlmyVP of Corporate EngagementVP of Science and TechnologyVP of Policy2022 State of the Industry Report Cultivated meat and seafood2