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首页外文报告外文报告NRELQuantifying Impacts of Renewable Electricity Deployment on Air Quality and Human Health in Southeast Asia Based on Aims III Scenarios

Quantifying Impacts of Renewable Electricity Deployment on Air Quality and Human Health in Southeast Asia Based on Aims III Scenarios

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Quantifying Impacts of Renewable Electricity Deployment on Air Quality and Human Health in Southeast Asia Based on Aims III Scenarios
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NOTICEThis work was authored,in part,by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),operated byAlliance for Sustainable Energy,LLC,for the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE)under Contract No.DE-AC36-08G028308.Funding provided by the United States Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)under Contract No.IAG-19-2115.The views expressed in this report do not necessarily represent the viewsof the DOE or the U.S.Govemment,or any agency thereof,including USAID.This report is available at no cost from the National RenewableEnergy Laboratory (NREL)at www.nrel.gov/publicationsU.S.Department of Energy (DOE)reports produced after 1991and a growing number of pre-1991 documents are availablefree via www.OSTI.gov.Cover photo from iStock 1352396460NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content.