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UK COUNTRY REPORT 2023 INTRODUCTIONIntroductionFeaturedContentsPage 07UK Ecommerce Country Reportbrings together the latest findingson how UK shoppers buy onlineCountry profile03and acrosssales channels -andMarket context05on how leading retailers andbrands in the marketsell to them.The UK consumer07Ecommerce indices09UK shoppers expect to beIn doing so,we offer a practical guide to those whoable to buy however best suits10already trade in this key European market,and tothem-online,instore or acrossDelivery and collection11those who are looking to move into or expand withinchannelsRetums13it.The report comes in a year in which marketplaces,retailers and brands are continuing to develop theirPage 15Product categories14Social commerce15changes.At the same time they are dealing withPeak t女ading16issues from rising inflation to cost-of-living issues-Inflation and the cost of living18and the continuing effects of Covid-19 and Brexit.Sustainability20The report offers insights into what is changing,22and why,and how traders might most effectivelyShoppers have stepped backCompany profile:Etsy24res pond.from social commerce in theCompany profile:Argos25We welcome your feedback and comments,andwake of the Covid-19 pandemicCompany profile:Next26are particularly interested to hear fresh ideas and27insights into how we should deve lop this series ofPage 2728reports in the future.Figures38Condusion39lan Jindal,CEO,RetailXHow Screwfix uses instore stockto enable fast delivery and collections across the UK